Understanding Wind Power and the Impact on Birds

What are the advantages and disadvantages of developing wind power?


①Clean, good environmental benefits
②Renewable, never runs out
③Short lead time for infrastructure
④Flexible installation scale
Wind energy will never be exhausted, the use of wind power generation can reduce environmental pollution, reduce carbon emissions, in line with our country’s current concept of low-carbon life, and wind power installation flexibility, construction cycle is also short, do not need to be a one-time investment in the construction of the completion of the construction can be divided into batches, sub-cycle construction, but also conducive to the better development of wind power companies.


①Noise, visual pollution
②Occupies a large area of land
③Unstable and uncontrollable
④Cost is still high
⑤Affects birds

Wind farms require a large amount of land to build, and once the wind farm is built, the land can not be used for other purposes, which is a waste of land in some places where land is scarce.

Moreover, the large number of wind turbines in a wind farm, some of which are built in mountainous areas and grasslands, can cause harm to birds and have a certain impact on the ecosystem.

Will wind power kill more birds?

Global climate warming has a fatal impact on the survival of bird life. In a study in the journal Science, we found that due to major impacts such as climate change and habitat loss, the number of birds in North America has decreased by approximately 29% since 1970, equivalent to nearly 3 billion birds.

In the past 120 years, the temperature of the Mojave Desert in the United States has increased by about 2°C, and climate warming has caused a sharp decline in the abundance of bird populations.

A paper published in the British “Proceedings of the Biological Branch of the Royal Society” states that climate change is affecting the immune system of birds, causing various new diseases in birds.

Using solar and wind energy to replace coal-fueled power generation can slow down climate change, greatly improve the living environment of birds, and thereby reduce the mortality rate of birds around the world. According to scenario analysis by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the International Energy Agency (IEA), the world needs to install at least 180GW of new wind power capacity every year to control temperature rise within 2°C relative to pre-industrial levels.

Wind Power and Bird Mortality: Benefits, Statistics, and Conservation Efforts

According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, wind power poses no threat to bird populations and its benefits far outweigh its disadvantages. Annual bird mortality in North America by cause, ranked from highest to lowest, is:

①Domestic cats (2.4 billion), building glass (599 million)

②car collisions (215 million)

③power line collisions (25.5 million)

④communication towers (6.6 million)

⑤oil pits (0.75 million)

⑥wind turbines ( 234,000)

Calculations show that the actual number of bird deaths caused by wind power is only 0.007% of the total.So far, the wind power industry is also committed to further reducing bird mortality and better protecting our ecological environment through high-precision optical technology and artificial intelligence to detect bird activities and change the color of unit blades.



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